Death and Revival

MULTI-SPACE! The thing that has been the core of my thoughts for a few weeks now. All of my effort is beginning to pay off with a game that is...almost playable at the very least. I have just finished off implementing the aliens (although its only a matter of time before one of the aliens pops out a random error that I need to fix). With the players, the aliens and a questionable wave progression system in place, it has been a case of tying it all together. So this week I have added in the players ability to deal damage, as well as dying and reviving. I thought this would be easier to implement, but my main camera had other plans. With the main camera having a list of targets to follow to ensure that all players remain in view, all I had to do was to remove the player that died from the camera targets list. This worked just as hoped. An issue appeared when reviving a player. All players are revived at the end of each wave and therefore added back into the camera targets. I had forgotten to take into account the order of the targets in the camera when adding players back in. This resulted in player 2 being removed from the camera when player 1 had died. Leaving the living player to fight a swarm of aliens off-screen (which was quite difficult would you believe). After conquering that, I was able to take a step back and look at the shpae that my game was beginning to form. I'm pleased with how it is going and how much I've learned about Unity in this project alone! Next I plan to add in score and weapon upgrades to hopefully cap off the gameplay.
MULTI-SPACE: The Third Dimension
Waves of aliens are pursuing our planet! We have another dimension to work with...
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